A Policy Primer on University Governance in Oregon

The University of Oregon Government and Community Relations team is tracking several state level committees and boards this fall. These committees are forming recommendations to be considered in the 2013 legislative session.
Below is an update for each committee that contains links to their
websites where you can get more information. This content was adapted from the Portland State University Government Relations Update.

The Oregon Educatioon Investment Board

The Oregon Education Investment Board, chaired by the Governor John Kitzhaber, is overseeing an effort to create a seamless, unified system for investing in and delivering public education from early childhood through high school and college. The Oregon Education Investment Board will make recommendations to the Governor about the 2013/15 budgets levels for the seven institutions of the Oregon University System, including the University of Oregon.

Read more: Policy Primer: The Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB)

The Higher Education Coordination Commission

The HECC was created within SB 242 (the OUS omnibus bill) during the 2011 legislative session. The commission will initially focus on four key issues, as directed by legislation: textbook affordability, credit for prior learning, the Western Governors University, and the budget.

Read more: Policy Primer: The Higher Education Coordination Commission

The Oregon State Board of Higher Education

The Oregon State Board of Higher Education, the statutory governing board of the Oregon University System and its seven universities is composed of fifteen members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon State Senate. Eleven public members are appointed for four-year terms and two faculty and two student members are appointed for two-year terms. The Board elects a president and vice-president.

Read more: Policy Primer: Oregon State Board of Higher Education

Special Legislative Committee on University Governance

The Special Legislative Committee on University Governance was created in HB 4061 during the 2012 session to make recommendations to the 2013 Legislature about the best methods and practices to establish institutional boards at Oregon universities. During the course of the committee’s work, two universities (Portland State University and University of Oregon) requested institutional boards.

Read more: Policy Primer: Special Legislative Committe on University Governance

Taskforce on Higher Education, Student and Institutional Success

House Bill 3418, passed during the 2011 legislative session, establishes a Task Force on Higher Education Student and Institutional Success. The 17-member task force is charged to examine best practices in higher education, and make recommendations to increase success for students in acquiring basic skills, career preparation and program completion with attainment of certification or degrees. The task force must offer an initial report to the Legislature by December 1, 2011.

Read more: Policy Primer: TaskForce on Higher Education, Student and Institutional Success

Taskforce on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Success

The STEM taskforce was created in HB 4056 during the 2012 session for the purpose of encouraging students to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It works in collaboration with other STEM efforts around the state including the Oregon STEM Employer Coalition.

Read more:  Policy Primer: Taskforce on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Success