
Looking for an Internship?

Participating in an internship with a policymaker or government entity is one of the best ways for students interested in politics and policy to gain first-hand experience while developing career-ready skills. 

Find Opportunities through the UO Career Center

The University of Oregon's Career Center is the primary resource for students looking for internship opportunities. Through the Handshake online platform, students can search for internships posted by local, state, and national policymakers.

Internships with U.S. Senators and Representatives

Whether you’re looking for hands-on experience in a local office or want to dive into federal policy-making in Washington, D.C., interning with a member of Congress offers a front-row seat to the legislative process. Internships can last from a single academic term to a year. To apply, check for postings through the UO's Handshake tool or use the links below to view general internship information and opportunities with Oregon's congressional delegation.

Applications are often accepted year-round, but deadlines and requirements vary—so check each office’s website for up-to-date details. 

D.C. Internship Scholarship - UO Alumni Association

The UO Alumni Association National Capital Chapter awards one to two $1,000 D.C. Intern Scholarship(s) annually to a UO undergraduate or graduate student participating in a summer internship program in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The goal of the D.C. Intern Scholarship Program is to facilitate skills and career development through interactive hands-on work experience. It is designed to assist with some, but not all, of the living and/or travel expenses incurred during an internship in the D.C. area. The National Capital Chapter welcomes applications from any UO student without regard to age, race, gender, disability, or ethnicity.

For more information, go to the DC Ducks website.


Have an Internship to Post?

Partner with the University of Oregon to tap into a talented pool of students who are passionate, driven, and ready to help you tackle real-world challenges in government and public policy. The UO Career Center's digital recruiting platform, Handshake, allows employers to post jobs, internships, and virtual events, and request interviews.

Learn More About Posting Jobs and Internships on Handshake